- React/NodeJS(express) based Credit Calculation Web App with Auth0 – https://github.com/arthur88/creditcalculation
- Show user details from GIT by using API – https://github.com/arthur88/github-api-viewer, https://codesandbox.io/s/4z4xw2qxx
- Open Data Vilnius. Fetch JSON data from public acceptable JSON API’s by using React – https://github.com/arthur88/open-data-vilnius
- React + Firebase – https://github.com/arthur88/board-list-firebase
- React + Redux to do form – https://github.com/arthur88/react-redux-todo-form
- React + Redux upload image form – https://github.com/arthur88/react-redux_upload_file
- React API with useState, useEffect – https://github.com/arthur88/react-api-example