Web application for storing various code snippets(fragments) into one place.
Able to search by title, description.
URL: webai.lt/snipps
Web application for storing various code snippets(fragments) into one place.
Able to search by title, description.
URL: webai.lt/snipps
Simple Danske Bank style Web APP with input validation and GraphQL service from backend
using following llibraries:
– As a main grid styling framework and adapting styles to Danske Bankreact-hook-form
– for form validationjest
– for testingnode
– for building serverexpress
– node framework for building serverexpress-graphql
– GraphQL HTTP Server Middlewaregraphql
– query languagemongodb
– MongoDB driver for Node.jsmongodb-memory-server
– MongoDB database in memory
nuget extensionsitemap.xml
with links when visiting index page. sitemap is visible in https://localhost:XXXX/sitemap.xmlProgram.cs
methods, response code definitions, using in memory database with entity framework and integrated Serilog
by saving each HTTP request into txt
methods in static
PHP, MySQL based martial art tracking system. It’s main feature is to track how much time spent on one or another martial art when practising.
URL: webai.lt/martial
AIML(Artificial Intelligence Markup Language) based artificial linguistic Intellect which can learning from others ALICE intellects.
Technologies: Fat free Framework (PHP framework), SQL, AJAX
URL: webai.lt/ai
Airsoft news, events and advertisment portal used for Lithuania airsoft community.
Technologies: Fat free Framework (PHP framework)
URL: airsofteris.lt