- PushNotificationFirebase – .NET connected with firebase Realtime DB
- Swagger UI interface – very simple weatherForecast .NET and swagger API example to GET HTTP method
- dotNetSwaggerFullAPI – full employee GET/POST/PUT/DELETE HTTP methods API with swagger in .net
- operators_nd_values – play with arithmetic, comparision, logical, ternary operators, switch case, loop patterns, formatting numeric types, Enum’s and structs
- NetcoreMVcLogging – applied logging of each page to default MVC bootstrap template by using
nuget extension - XMLWebAPI – very simple XML Web API
- dotNetCoreWebAppMiddleware – custom middleware to intercept into opening pages and invoking info from response objects
- Sitemap – generating
with links when visiting index page. sitemap is visible in https://localhost:XXXX/sitemap.xml - dotNetCoreClassLibrary – builded .NET Standard class library and intercepted into
- NetCoreWebApi – trying to connect swagger API with SQL express database
- TodoApi – swagger with fully working
methods, response code definitions, using in memory database with entity framework and integratedSerilog
by saving each HTTP request intotxt
file - CoreCodeCamp – not working, by pluralsight tutorial
- RazorPagesMovies – Razor pages with local DB, CRUD actions working
- dotNetWrittingCorrectly – good practise by writing .net with throw/catch and some tips and tricks
- ExtensionMethods – using
methods instatic
- UdemyBookListMVC – MVC application by using Razor pages, ASP tag helpers, routing. Data stored in SQL Server. API call initiated by using jQuery, AJAX. Implemented One-form update page – upsert. Implemented 3rd party libraries: sweetAlert and toaster.
- UdemyBookListRazor – CRUD application by using Razor pages, ASP tag helpers, routing. Data stored in SQL Server. API call initiated by using jQuery, AJAX. Implemented One-form update page – upsert. Implemented 3rd party libraries: sweetAlert and toaster.
18. Udemy courses – C# Intermediate: Classes, Interfaces and OOP
18.1 Udemy/UdemyCSharpIntermediate – Part 1. Constructors, Object Initializers, Methods in console application
18.2 Udemy/UdemyCSharpIntermediate2 – Part 2. Fields, Access Modified, Properties, Indexers in console application
18.3 Udemy/UdemyCSharpIntermediate3_associationBetweenClasses – Part 3. Composition, Composition over Inheritance
18.4 Udemy/UdemyCSharpIntermediate4_Inheritance – Part 4. Rules about constructors in inheritance hierarchies. base
keyword, Upcasting, Downcasting, boxing, unboxing
18.4.1 UdemyCSharpIntermediate4_WindowsFormsApp1 – Part 4.1 upcasting, downcasting example in WPF
18.5 UdemyCSharpIntermediate5_Polymorphism – Part 5 Polymorphism, virtual, abstract and override keywords, sealed modifier,
- InventoryManagement – very simple MVC generated and database connected CRUD application
- UnitTest / UnitTestProject – first steps in unit tests
- AsyncAwaitConsoleApp – async, await, delay, waitall, waitany, whenall, whenany functions playground in console app
- AggregateFunctions – aggregate functions from workshop: sum, concat, multiply, reversed
- MvcMovie – ASP.NET Core application with controllers, models and views. CRUD application by using SQL Server
- Blazor apps / BlazorApp – just a very simple Blazor app, first steps to get touch with it
- AspNetCore3JWT – Web API token based authentication example using JWT tokens