WordPress Code snippets

Enable SVG file upload
Tags: enable SVG upload, svg upload WP, wordpress enable SVG
show link by page id
Tags: page id, show page link, page link by id, page link
Order post by custom value
Tags: order post, order by custom value, order by custom, order posts, wp query order
acf-json different path of folder
Tags: acf-json different path, acf-json directory different path, acf-json
Parent theme file path
Tags: parent theme file path, parent file,, parent file path
Addi mage size
Tags: wordpress image size
home url
Tags: wordpress home url, home url
Tempalte directory
Tags: wordpress template directory, directory template, template uri, tempalte url
Get part of template
Tags: wordpress tempalte part, if template part
Add sidebar
Tags: wordpress sidebar, sidebar add ,wordpress add sidebar
Add style
Tags: css style, wordpress add style